i have a love/hate relationship with these turkeys. american indians wouldn't even eat wild turkeys because they feared inheriting their stupidity. one of the girls got locked in the tiny trailor bathroom. she was so hot and so stressed out. i felt really bad and spent over 20 minutes yelling fuck and trying to get her ass out of there. i had shit all over my shirt, my shoes, and in my hair. they are kind of dumb but in an innocent way. all they really care about is eating. and they've been eating well. i throw over slimey, holed strawberries from the patch, all the leftover fish guts, apple cores, collard greens, and grubs. poor chickens don't have a chance half the time.
well, michelle drove her enduro over to butcher one of the girls(how hot is that?!) for thanksgiving. i'm glad i didn't start naming them because this is gonna be the best tasting bite of turkey ever! yeah, just to try.
thanksgiving is a great time to think about food. where does it come from, what is it doing for your health. it breaks my heart to know that billions of animals are crowded in cages and treated like shit or that planes are dropping clouds of chemicals over crops of growing plants. but what might be even worse is knowing how this kind of abuse effects our own bodies. you are what you eat. i'm an organic backyard sweet potato pie-yes! at least until i eat some cheetos.
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