
longing for a grope

i'm feeling nostalgic lately and wondering what exactly i'm nostalgic for. i get all "ohhhhh" when i see a picture of a goat herder or read about life in gdansk in the 17th cenury (named danzig pre WWII-sweeeeeet!).
i've never even touched a goat tit! who is this 90 year old lady in a tattooed potty mouthed body anyway? what the hell am i doing in san diego and how did i get here?
i think i do belong on a farm somewhere. i want to continue my life with a land line, no car, listening to my boombox with my generic myspace page but, the museum!!! but, the fantomas show!! but, tom's sailboat!!! could i survive?
of course i could but what level of survival are we talking about?
living on a farm is the epitome of survival to me. you grow your own, take care of your own and there you have it. the simple life without "may cause cancer" and "new", "best", "you must have it to fit in and keep up with the people around you" over here. that's what's killing us isn't it? not only the obvious health hazards of eating shite all day laden with chemicals and whatever else but, the psychological hazards of needing. needing to fit in, needing to buy this, needing to look like that. the thought of living in a rural landscape just sounds nicer and makes more sense to me. so what keeps me on the other side of the grass?
is it the traffic? that guy who jumps out at me yelling how much he loves pussy? maybe it's the fifth time i can expect to have a run in with the cops?
no! it's not all this crap its the culture (well kind of culture in san diego). the city has true gems of piss and blood that country bumpkins can't attest to (although, we all know a bit about country life as a teenage boy don't we?)
i guess i need a little bit of both city and country. maybe san diego isn't the best inbetween (ya think!?) and maybe i can just start making my own jam or some shit. look out pussy man i might go country on your ass next time! i might give you some homemade jam.


Anonymous said...

Sharing your back-and-forth urban/rural favoritism and havin' a similar history of stickin' to the concrete side, I can't help but toss my 2 cents to each side of stayin' in the concrete.

Pros of the city:
People watching hot-spots of the world (most people are somehow lovely in at least one way).
Chocolate shops.
Access to live music and art.

Cons of the city:
People watching hot-spots of the world (we're bound to run into 'i love pussy' types in any city).
Too many shops.
Unavoidable visual, noise (, air, land and water) pollution by our surrounding and selves.

Growing your own food is a tough life and possibly the only way to be completely sustainable. I don't know much about it... but this guy does... http://www.michaelpollan.com/omnivore.php .

ps please keep writing

shilo said...

thanks jonny! please keep writing too!