"in the comfort of crickets"
yesterday i watched a bird get knocked out. it slammed into a glass door and dropped straight to the ground. brutal. i watched it laying there helpless, motionless, except for it's little torso racing up and down with each dazed breath. for a good ten minutes it remained like that and we just stared. and then it opened its beak. i thought outloud "oh no! it's gonna fucking die!" (i tried to rescue a bird once that a neighborhood cat was having a go at and it opened its beak right before it croaked). as i waited for the chest to drop and be still it started to blink. it came on real slow and it was still just lying there then out of fucking no where little tweety flipped around and onto its feet! it was a bit startling-especially since i was just looming over it waiting for it to stop breathing. it was kind of funny. it stood there on it's feet-maybe with a sore leg or wing and eventually hobbled over to some shade. it seemed like it was going to make it. poor thing got messed up!! i'm glad i didn't have to bury it-there were no dandelions around.
objects of expiration/existance
today i found a fresh, plump cricket. it was so cool until i lost it in the crack of my sisters VW-sorry sis. guess it wasn't very good luck after all-oh well. i found it at the ashram this morning up at swami's. such a pretty place. the living things i saw today were just as cool as the lost dead one i found including a hellicopter huge orange dragonfly, some wicked spiders, and some old fox tails like the ones i used to grow in colorado. as the girls did their paharanas or indian meditation- aka really strange breathing/arm girations, i practiced what i like to call my chicken breast pose. i woke up to ants tickling my arms and the sun burning the soles of my feet-much like what a raw chicken breast might actually experience when left out in the grass. anyway, it was good times all around and then we went for some waves.

Popular wisdom attributes the derivation of this slang term for lavatory to Thomas Crapper (1836 - 1904), the supposed inventor of the flush toilet. Unfortunately, Thomas Crapper didn't invent the flush toilet. He holds nine patents for plumbing-related inventions, including three for water closets, but flush lavatory, properly called the "Silent Valveless Water Waste Preventer" was patented in 1819 by Albert Giblin. Nevertheless, Crapper is the name that people remember. He was certainly well-known in his day as a sanitary engineer. He had a thriving plumbing business and was sanitary engineer for several members of the royal family. Poopin good times!
mmmmmm wood!
so i'm not clairvoyant. that was pretty clear. but in insecty news (buggy news sounds way better but as you all should know, bugs have mandibles and not even half of the insect population does, so it's kind of not proper to use bug when refering to an actual insect-k?-k!) i neglected to collect any of the three gut laden sidewalk specimens i found today including a caterpillar :( and a wasp-damn! but this morning i did watch a carpenter bee remember his hole in an old wooden telephone pole, fly into it, mosey around in some sod, fly back out, and give bella dog a "kiss" before flying up into the sky. it was great. i know you're jealous.
of another way
i had another vivid dream last night. this one involved lightning. it was so real. so cool. kind of scary. apparently we're supposed to have a thunderstorm this evening in san diego. have i become clairvoyant?
objects of expiration/manifestation
found a couple things today. a fairly large honey bee in my neighborhood this morning and a really small, really pretty moth on broadway and 13th this afternoon. both on the sidewalk as usual-just about to get squished by my ratty shoe. over the weekend i was in colorado and while picking wild raspberries in the middle of no where i remembered a somewhat creepy dream i had the night before. there were strange and colorful insects crawling all over the greenery-somewhat similar to the landscape that triggered my memory. i didn't find any insects hiding beneath the raspberry leaves but on another day later i helped my friends' 4 year old catch grass hoppers in their vast backyard of fields and hills. we ended up catching about 5 and i learned that the brown stuff all over my hands wasn't blood or guts but spit up. they're defense is brown spit. how cool. anyway, we found a rock hard frog that had turned black in the sun along with various bones of who knows what. sugar, their beautiful white pitbull pup came running up to us and the marks on her back reminded me that there were coyotes that ran around here. that night i had another dream-more like a nightmare. instead of insects and greenery i was back in the office at work being bombarded by not usually bitchy co-workers. it was so real. and here i am this evenging typing away from my desk. i hope i dream of ice cream and money tonight!
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