
objects of expiration/manifestation

found a couple things today. a fairly large honey bee in my neighborhood this morning and a really small, really pretty moth on broadway and 13th this afternoon. both on the sidewalk as usual-just about to get squished by my ratty shoe. over the weekend i was in colorado and while picking wild raspberries in the middle of no where i remembered a somewhat creepy dream i had the night before. there were strange and colorful insects crawling all over the greenery-somewhat similar to the landscape that triggered my memory. i didn't find any insects hiding beneath the raspberry leaves but on another day later i helped my friends' 4 year old catch grass hoppers in their vast backyard of fields and hills. we ended up catching about 5 and i learned that the brown stuff all over my hands wasn't blood or guts but spit up. they're defense is brown spit. how cool. anyway, we found a rock hard frog that had turned black in the sun along with various bones of who knows what. sugar, their beautiful white pitbull pup came running up to us and the marks on her back reminded me that there were coyotes that ran around here. that night i had another dream-more like a nightmare. instead of insects and greenery i was back in the office at work being bombarded by not usually bitchy co-workers. it was so real. and here i am this evenging typing away from my desk. i hope i dream of ice cream and money tonight!

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