can you imagine the smell of this piece in the gallery? what when the mold starts? claire morgan makes my jaw drop. yours will too when you see her other work here
*daffodil is another name for the narcissus flower. they are the same
*lena dunham is a genius
*goats are good swimmers
*thomas edison was kicked out of school early in life for causing trouble and he once blew up the laboratory where he worked. people told him he would never amount to anything.
*when margarine was first produced, it was required by law to be dyed pink, in order for it to be clearly distinguishable from real butter!
*butterflies taste with their feet-one of my favorite facts!
*dolphins sleep with one eye open
*In 1782 Ben Franklin said that because eagles are thieves, turkeys should be our national bird instead. as if!
*the honey bee can fly up to 15 mph!
*money-pain doesn't hurt forever
*listening to neil young will make you feel like the coolest nerd ever
*the wright brothers were bicycle mechanics!
*herbal medicine will change your life
*the octopus has 3 hearts!
*potatoes were engineered by the incas-one of the only things native to this countlry, not brought over from europe.
*abracadabra is hebrew and the word used to be worn as a charm against disease and misfortune in the kabbalistic tradition
*tattoing in new york was outlawed in 1961 and only became legal in 1997!
*the word carat (think diamond) comes from the ancient use of the carob seed as a measuring tool
*if a skull has no smell it is probably over 3 years dead
*the insect cochineal is used as a dye in food/drink (ruby red grapefruit juice)!
*leonardo da vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other simultaneously
*it's impossible to lick your elbow
*Americans consume approximately 11 ounces of meat per day, which calculates to approximately 250 pounds of beef annually, more than any other country in the world
*beetles make up 20% of the insect population-that's huge!!
*honeybees have to visit approximately 2 million flowers in order to produce 1 lb. of honey
*patience is a virtue!
*apparently dreamt isn't the only word ending in mt-try creamt as in creamt corn-eeew!
*ants won't cross a chalk line-try it
*babe ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep him cool-he changed it every 2nd inning
*dreamt is the only english word that ends in the letters mt
*the first dictionary was created by chinese scholars circa 1109 bce
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