

for me, one of the interesting dilemas of having a blog (worst word ever!) is that people might actually read it. i willingly share with the world but in doing so i set myself up for judgement, stalking, weird comments from my sis, etc. but it's part of the whole deal, i accept that. it's funny though because sometimes i'll censor myself or i'll find myself writing for someone else and i hate it when i do that. anyway, it's a fuckin blog-it's so self masturbatory and nerdy and i can't take it too seriously. that is, until i find out that i've shared something totally untrue! no not the post about the crapper-that shit's legit. but the post about gold lake. the lies! the lies!
just so we all know some real history here-not the bullshit that father like figures sometimes tell, the song "camptown races" (camptown ladies sing this song doo-dah doo-dah) was written by stephen foster. he was not from camptonville california and he most definitely didn't write the star spangled banner. that was written by francis scott key, a distant relative of the cutest fact checker i know. truth be told. truth be gold.

1 comment:

core be White said...

masturbatory...I like it! You my dear are a great writer...no joke. I may have to have you write my vows someday and deffinetly the speach at my funeral about who Corby 'really' was:)