
damn it!

i spotted a deer lying on the side of the road this morning. i was with megan so we turned around to check it out. her and finn looked. i wasn’t up for it. she said it had been hit really hard, it was really bloated but still cold from the night, fresh. she had teats but no milk. we told star about it and she came and picked it up. saw her later and stopped by while she was gutting it and watched for a minute. she cut away the fat to render. the organs were spilling out. and all of a sudden she pulled up a sac filled with a tiny fawn. we all did the ahhhhhh thing. it was so precious. so sad. a dead little baby, no fur yet but spots showing through on its little back and white white hoofs on its tiny, spindly legs. it was so little and sweet looking. grey and lifeless. i had a cry-the smell of blood and organs was strong, crooked neck of mama on the ground, hind legs hooked to the tree, and baby dead beside her. it was a boy. and all of a sudden another one, a sister. it was so emotional!!!! i just looked at them side by side, their innocent bodies so close to life and living. darling creatures. the three of them taken in a matter of seconds. they were appreciated today.


Kate said...

Shilo, thank you for sharing this so eloquently. I would have cried right next to you had I been there.


Cisco said...

It is always sad when a life is cut short, either by accident or nature.