bella sniffed this little one out on an early morning walk yeterday. i couldn't believe it was a frog-just lying there on the sidewalk.
when i picked it up to move it under a bush to die it kind of moved a bit and i thought for a minute that maybe i could save it. of course it died in my hand on the way back to the house and now it's drying up in the closet. isn't it purty?! the vivid green and white has since turned to brown and its eyes have begun to recede becuase i didn't have time to stuff it with sand and coat it with varnish but i'm okay with that. i did do the prep work and take the guts out but i didn't really want to mess with it anymore so now it looks like this.
That frog is going to haunt your dreams for sure..
don't say that! i have enough hauntings lately.
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