at comic con this year i added to my collection these two hand colored pages from the 19th century (torn out of books in order to sell individually-frown and shake). the fly is great isn't it? i love the color and detail and the way it kind of commands the page. it's a predatory fly with thousands of different species and with some the male will capture its prey, wrap it in silk and present it to a female as a pre-coitus offering. hey baby! even though i know i'm so wrong for anthropomorphizing i can't help it-that's just so awesome!
the jackal if you notice is in a graveyard. i was having a really hard time choosing between all of the wonderful animals represented but the graveyard scene in the background was so unique i just kept going back to it and eventually chose it. as it turns out, the jackal was a very important god of the dead to the egyptians and was named anubis-predesessor to osiris. fucking rad! i love this stuff.
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